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Old March 27th, 2015, 05:53   #9
Join Date: Mar 2015
Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
So you can use a pulse of electromagnetic energy but there is no electromagnetic pulse involved? wut.
Good question: let me explain...

An Electromanetic Pulse is different than an EMP. EMP will kill any live circuit. It's high energy radiation. It's like comparing chicken noodle soup to Molten Lava, yes, they are both sorta liquids.

Does that make sense? An Electromagnetic pulse requires physical constituents, power source, electromagnetic coil and other acting parties. It's only being referred to an electromagnetic pulse because it's using an instantaneous discharge of a high voltage cap or bank of caps to cause a high energy pulse, it just so happens to act through an electromagnet in this instance.

They sound very similar, so any confusion around that is understandable.

Last edited by Magnumb; March 27th, 2015 at 05:56..
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