It would of course be fascinating and remove almost all moving parts.
I have a few ideas in my head from a design perspective. To speak to an earlier posters concern about magnetic interference. Electromagnetic energy could be used in a pulse to push a piston. However this doesn't mean there is an EMP involved so you need not worry about that.
In my mind, a floating piston makes sense, a return spring would be too slow and frankly I think a electromagnetic push needs to activate the piston and and magnetism needs to draw it back. So there would be significant challenges cycling a capacitor fast enough to dump pushing the piston, and recharge in the time (and at the same time) you reverse the electromagnet to pull the piston back.
The neat thing about a design like this is if you can make sure the system knows where the piston is at any point in its stroke, you can stop the piston short (causing lower chamber pressure) to allow for adjustment of FPS for indoor or outdoor use. Obviously in Canada that's tricky as it needs to be above 366fps to be legal, but if you could have a selector to allow 370fps (indoor) 390 to 400 and 450 long range. You would have one hell of a flexible system.
Air volume is important (in chamber), however volume can be sacrificed if you can increase velocity, this could allow for a shorter stroke. A system like this should be simple. I wouldn't get over excited and design it like a rail gun, but rather figure out how to use electromagnetism to provide the motive effort, and attraction to draw the piston back any time you like in its compression stroke. The piston can be light. It's how it's driven that matters. Lighter the better IMHO.
In my minds eye, I see a backend loaded system with the majority of the propulsive and attractive force acting on the back of the bolt (or in this case, slug) high voltage, High C rated Lipoly and an aggressive cutoff so as not to diminish its ability to "recall" the bolt or charge and dump the capacitor.
Anyhow. No motor, no gear case, no momentary electronic contacts. All digital with simple user programability.
My 2 cents (or half cent if I'm not very clear in my presentation)