Thread: mosfet problems
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Old March 23rd, 2015, 21:13   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in the middle of nowhere on a road outside of guelph
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mosfet problems

Ok so here is the situation

I have a Echo 1 AK700. The stock motor is a POS so I wanted to upgrade it. I purchased a systema turbo high speed motor. Upon installation I noticed my DIY mosfet getting really really hot. So hot that it promptly burnt it out. So I built a new one and tried it and noticed it would still get hot on semi but was ok on full auto. I checked my shimming, replaced gears with a fresh SHS 18:1, lubed etc. It still had the problem. So now I'm thinking that maybe the motor is bad or the spring is too heavy so I picked up a lonex A1.Popped it in and It is still having the problem. My last step has been to change out to 13:1 gears just to see what happens. I would have expected this to make it worse but no real change (maybe even slightly better).

The gun runs very smooth besides the overheating. It is also worth noting that the motor stays cool and so does that battery and wires. Im honestly at a loss here. The only other thing I can think of is that I got a bad batch of mosfet materials but I haven't had problems in my other guns so I don't think so.

Any ideas?

any good gun docs in the guelph area?
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