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Old March 11th, 2015, 08:29   #10
Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
Another day fiddling with the Hicapa, another problem

So I have been rebuilding this gun for a while at a very slow pace;
Getting there, the only problem I've got now is this:

A single trigger press (then release), will dump the entire mag (or close to) in full auto, uncontrollably

Trying to figure out what could be the cause; Tried the search on here and google and couldn't find anything specific to this issue

Hammer / Knocker seem to act normally; Will lock back every single time, the knocker will retract, etc.

The only thing I can see right off the bat is the nozzle's return spring seems to weak to reliably return the nozzle in the bbu. If I pull it manually, it wont retract back all the way. Could this be the cause by any chance?

Gun is all oiled up


- Airsoft MasterPiece slide and outer barrel
- Stock BBU
Also tried a featherweight plastic BBU; same issue. Actually worse (the nozzle is even more restricted in movement)
- Airsoft Surgeon Hammer Spring, Loading Nozzle & Piston Head
- Airsoft Masterpiece hammer and strut
- ILLusion Kinetics Hop Up Chamber
- ILLusion Kinetics Leaf Spring
- A-Plus Devil Strike Chamber

I might be missing a few upgrades in that list but that's pretty much what I recall...

Thanks for the help
I think your finger pin got wrong installation. I mean this part!!! Check them one more time.
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