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Old February 22nd, 2015, 20:06   #131
Fubujubu's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Barrie ontario
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
It's not necessarily that I wouldn't trust a major company to make a non-cylindrical high pressure vessel (although I wouldn't), it's that I also wouldn't trust anyone to care for that pressure vessel properly.
People used to be worried about buffer tube lipo's turning into pipe bombs. Well a 4000psi pressure vessel right next to your head is significantly more dangerous lol
4000 psi tank dangerous?
For years paintballers have been using 4500psi tanks on their guns and the only time there has been injuries are when theres user error. They are totally safe. Unless you do something stupid like put gun lube in the fill nipple.

The 3000psi 13ci tank in the stock has been on the market for a number of years now and various companies use them. It would not take much for the airsoft industry to use it on their own stuff.

Wasaga SOG
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