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Old February 21st, 2015, 04:14   #129
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
It's not necessarily that I wouldn't trust a major company to make a non-cylindrical high pressure vessel (although I wouldn't), it's that I also wouldn't trust anyone to care for that pressure vessel properly.
People used to be worried about buffer tube lipo's turning into pipe bombs. Well a 4000psi pressure vessel right next to your head is significantly more dangerous lol
Hey I never said it had to be non-cylindrical, you did ☺ maybe for the distant future that will be easy but I'd take a cylindrical tank with pieces glued onto it to make the shape of a stock, at least if it were done properly, so it looked convincing.

I'm not sure why, if it's that dangerous, we should trust the tank sitting on our spine either, which is where guys put it now.

If I had to guess the future this won't happen, because the manufacturers don't care that much, they still make money building crappy AEGs. But I can wish.
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