Originally Posted by DipTwit
I always did the butane-lighter thing too, not because they worked perfectly, but because the worked 'well enough' and I go through BBQ lighters like water (I camp lots)
They usually worked, but sometimes had thin spots, sometimes you had to hold the tank just right, and sometimes would blow out from gas venting just as you take the tank away.
I've ordered some of these now to compare, I can see the thicker material solving all the above weaknesses, glad someone stepped up to make/find them and offer them to the rest of us.
I did the lighters thing too, but I felt like it was such a waste of a lighter. I remembered I broke like 6 lighters, and that wasn't cheap! After tax those lighters were nearly 2-3$ each.
Originally Posted by jamuke
Thanks Sequential, "SILENT but DEADLY"( buy the copyright for a lifetime supply of o rings)
great in my marui g 17 and particularly nice for the TM Mp7 with those deep valves when all you hear is hissing forever,perfect fit
Maruzen M870 though was a little tighter and I couldn't get the o rings to not blow off and disappear when I finished filling
bought them for the Marui's specifically and couldn't be more pleased with the result
Glad to hear you were able to good use!
Ah regarding the Maruzen fitment, if I had a mag to take a look or fill-valve to measure I could get them custom made too!
Yeah these O-Rings were made specifically for WE/TM style fill valves. Which is mainly universal for all handguns.
I like that name, silent but deadly hahaha.