This isn't a pro league with a disciplinary committee, and it certainly isn't a sport where physical violence is expected as part of the experience. Considering, I'd say the last thing airsoft needs is real violence attached to it. We're all strangers for the most part, how many of us would continue to play if fights were common? Some guy can just lose his shit and punch you out because he's angry you shot him? No no, it's much more intelligent to ban them for life. This game highly depends upon honor, and there are already too many grey areas to condone more BS. Your anger can be controlled, or you shouldn't be shooting at people.
I remember this one time a guy I was playing with got angry with me. It ended up three against one, I was the one, and they were boxing me in. I doubled back, drew them in, and ended up winning. Tempers were already bad that day, and no one was getting along. Anyways, he starts by calling me a coward, a camper, a cheater, etc. He's mad he got embarrassed, so he starts saying things like I should've gone head on and faced them. It started out even, so they were winning, and I turned that around on them. Obviously he was incorrect, I did nothing wrong by beating them at their own game, it's what it's all about after all. I said something like "don't call me a cheater if you can't back it up, you got beat, end of story.", and I walked away. He responded by spraying me in the back full-auto in the safe area at close range, he was so mad. Now I could've turned around and broken my gun over his head, lord knows I wanted to. If I had, then I'd be just a stupid child like he is. The difference is, now everyone knows how what he's about.
Having a temper is one thing, reacting violently, threatening, and/or calling people names and screaming at them is another.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...