Thread: Airsoft Brawl
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Old February 18th, 2015, 11:28   #56
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Smith Falls ON
[QUOTE=lurkingknight; blacky threw the first punch.[/QUOTE]

HaHa best line ever and would be the headline in US print media if they were quoting this.

In all honesty I don't condone this but guys forget what Airsoft was like even 6 years ago it was highly aggressive not the passive mercy stuff of today where a guy gets shot once and complains the whole day how someone shot him and throws a tantrum. Yes the guy went ballistic and all that but guys calling it disgusting and wanted to vomit and all of that... Really hockey fights, baseball brawls, soccer kicks, and almost any other competative sport you all watch them and it happens. Hell even men's league hockey you get a 1-3 game suspension for fighting and that's it.

-Minors should play with minors
-Games should have sufficient refs
-Rules and consiquence lists should be provided to all players (no one does this it's all reactive)
-At the end of the day it didn't happen here and lawsuits will be filled
-Weither they were playing Airsoft or Larpping in fairy costumes or in the streets all are inconsequential to anything we do and if it wasnt caught on camera it would have just been another story out there.
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