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Old January 27th, 2015, 19:14   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Calgary
Hicapa slide not returning forward

My Hicapa 5.1 is having issues. Gun was sold to me as a TM and I believe it is. It has a steel outer barrel, heavy metal slide, metal frame and metal recoil guide rod. It also has an upgraded recoil spring and a brand new WE hopup (it is missing that little black plastic square though).

So I got all my replacement parts, rebuilt my mags and went to test fire my hicapa. First shot was amazing. That is when shit failed on me. The gun dumped the entire mag of gas on the followup shot and the slide only went back a few CM.

So I unloaded the gun and racked the slide several times to try and find the issue. As long as I held the slide while racking it everything worked. But when I pulled the slide fully back and released it, it would not go fully forward.

The slide sits about 2-3 centimeters from being in the proper position. It is such a small distance that I could potentially fire the gun again from the position. But the slide is next to impossible to draw back. I have to lightly tap or push the outer barrel for the slide to travel forward all the way.

Obviously I don't have xray vision so I can't see what is going on inside the gun. However it seems to me like the outbarrel is slipping off the recoil guide rod and jamming the slide. I only assume this because I am pushing on the outer barrel.

Any advise or suggestions on how to fix this would be amazing.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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