Originally Posted by naminator
Did you knock that person out? This is airsoft. I get the realism aspect. Shit I could understand it you where within 5 feet and tried to draw on him and he tried to stop you.
But full on disarmin someone? I have done course that teach you how to disarm an assailant and at full speed he could have broken your finger(s) or wrist. If somebody tried to take my sidearm from me they would rightfully earn a pimp slap to the face.
It was a scenario game. I had my 92FS in a Level 2 holster SLS holster as I was clearing a house. I forgot to check a corner, bad guy was in that corner... and next thing I know buddy's been shot by my own gun and I'm a hostage.
Yeah, definitely got the Level 3 holster after that. I run a Safariland 6280 SLS holster for my Glock 17, though I'm now transitioning to a Blackhawk! SERPA Level 3. I've tried running a dropleg holster, it just sucks in terms of comfort compared to a belt mounted holster with a 1.5-2.0 inch drop.