Thread: AKstravaganza!
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Old January 15th, 2015, 12:52   #865
ASC's navel of the year!
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Personally, I'm only really curious about the Zhukov folding stock. The fixed stock looks like a simplified Archangel Opfor AK stock, though with a reasonable price.

The rest of the furniture (short of the grip which I already have mounted) looks kinda bleh... hand guards don't look too great or complement the aesthetics of the AK but regardless, its nice to have more companies producing accessories for the AK platform at a more affordable price. That said, good luck getting Magpul furniture from the States.

PS. I just realized why the Zhukov looks so familiar, its VERY similar to the AK12 stock, probably where they got their inspiration from.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.

Last edited by beta678; January 15th, 2015 at 13:18..
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