Only problem I personally see for Canadian DG users is that now with GBBR out of the picture.
Is that getting parts and kits are only from Tony now... thus it'll take some time. Since Justin doesn't have any public contact information.
IE you got a Broken Valve, hop up rubber rip, etc.
Justin (HK)-> Tony (USA) -> You (Canada).. Going to take 1 month for a part?
That being said, I wouldn't mind a DG MP5, that be sick. I've had the M4, and played with the AK/SCAR/M249 and the AK has the most kick.
- GBB's have a nice design, but I guess my only gripe with them is the cool down and the inconsistency with propane.
The DG system scares people in CQB, quite fun. I recall last winter at one of LT game I was just dry firing the gun and people were like "ITS REAL CAP ONLY" hehehehe, but I didn't even had my magazine in.
Also -
I don't see Justin going down anytime soon, he's been around for a long time.. and if he does quit, someone will pick up and re-invent the wheel.