I have never used the VFC (i heard they are nice in the looks department) but i have shot at least 8000 Shots out of this WE 4168? but i have only had this gun for a year.
- My nozzle did not break until somewhere in the 8K Shots (I semi fixed this but new nozzles are like 25$ and not to hard to replace)
- NPAS works as advertised (once installed/This is the only upgrade i did in internals)
- If it ain't broke don't fix it (dont needlessly upgrade out of the box), people say new hop up rubber and inner barrel but i haven't done either and it shoots great
- Cool down is not bad unless you shoot on full auto (which is a terrible idea anyways)
- I have only used green gas mags but i hear the CO2 is even better with the cool down
- The body has really no markings (paint seems to flake/peel easily)
- I have not tested it in winter but i hear hand warmers are good to keep the mags in working order
- The 416 apparently does not work with the new PMags? (but if you change its body to the M4 version it does apparently)
- I'd assume that more people use WE then the VFC so borrowing mags/gear will be easier (this is just my assumption, i have not really seen many GBBRs in the places iv played)
- The hop up is adjusted with a Allen key (supplied) right above the inner barrel and is really annoying to adjust (typically have to remove the bolt to adjust it)
This is all i can think of right now