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Old January 2nd, 2015, 22:37   #27
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Because it's very difficult to find anything DBAL/ANPEQ with a class 1 anything under $600. Let alone one you can import yourself.
Class 1 red is also brighter than class 1 IR due to having different classifications applied.

There's two ways to test lasers on the field.
1) The super simple and inaccurate method in which you check the brightness of two IR lasers, one built as class 1 and whatever the other one is, under night vision.
The difference between a 5mW and 1mW beam is HUGE. Like very easily identifiably large. With no exaggeration it's like the difference between a 60 lumen and 200 lumen light. You can even tell the difference between a 2mW and 1mW beam. BUT it obviously doesn't give you an actual number.

2) Bring a laser power meter to games. They're only ~$450, and if you really cared that much about everyone running class 1 lasers, you'd have one at games anyway. (like really, some guys out there have $15,000 thermals and ANVIS9's and nobody spent a measly $450 on a laser power meter?)
Seriously, why do you think testing laser output is impossible? It's the 21st century. You don't need a hadron collider to do it.

I AM trying to find someone who will supply documentation with the testing to get them actually certified, for liability's sake. To elaborate, every single unit will be tested, there will be no assumptions at all. But if you don't accept a laser with an official certification, then don't run lasers at all.

Until then, I'm willing to buy a laser power meter and bring it to JOC night games so they can "chrono" the modded lasers on the spot.
HELL yes!!! I hate the mentality of the leetests!!! So very true If the power measured (is legally documented) and is the same how the hell can they be denied? That's like saying the kid with the JG AEG cant play because his doesn't have the consistency of a all of the ptw users have...... yet after chono they prove the power is the same and legal!!!

So what if they measured the same and its documented? what then is the difference other then some leetest whiner or his hurt feelings? Or the monopoly on Canadians for that market??

Sorry but once tested and documented AND proven, regardless of where it came from if power outage is locked, Its proven safe!!!

So yes if a host or field has doubts then spend the 450$, silly for hosts to deny all who meet a requirement based on make lol, again reverts back to the jg or G&G kid its leetest and or brandist..also not very fair to the every day guy!

Its silly to limit those who cant afford what the leetests can lmfao! I've been in the CF Army for 9 years and I wouldn't drop that coin for my job(the real deal) lmfao let alone on airsoft!!!! For what maybe a game or three a year lol? that offer those options!!!!

A soldiers 2 cents

Cheers Gents,
MODT - tu fui ego eris
Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.
Sun Tzu
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