more C and mah... as much as you can put where you are storing your battery... if that still doesn't work, then you will need an external battery bag.
overspin is one of those issues that can be solved a few different ways:
AB fet... some power drain, and it's been debated whether it could wear out motors faster. The motor can also heat up a bit. The fet will reverse the polarity on the motor to stop the motor, no slow down, no nothing, max voltage, instant stop. Kinda not good imo as it's a harsh stop.
Less volts... 11.1 is providing really high rate of fire and good trigger response, but those also come with the potential of overspin, so if you slow the system down to a 7.4 but again with as much mah and C as you can cram to where you are putting it, the overspin should happen less or not at all since there's less momentum in the gears to carry it through another cycle.
smaller motor... you got the tienly so you're going to want to use it. It's a beautiful motor, but using too powerful a motor can result in overspin no matter what.
shorter gears... lower ratio gears are harder to pull, so when the motor is not powered, it will require more energy in the gears to pull the spring, so the gears will slow down more/quicker with the drag, even though it requires less bevel revolutions to cycle the system.
bigger spring... at least a 110 spring and if you're still overspinning on that, then you'll need to... light springs and neo motors generally means you will overspin (among other issues) most neo motors stop doing it with 110 springs, I've had a few builds with the slower tienly motor not overspin with a 100 spring, all my other builds for people were 110 springs and they don't overspin with 13:1 gears. I think I also did one with 19:1s and a 110 and it doesn't overspin.
short stroke... an even bigger spring.. 120 or 130... start taking teeth off the sector gear and piston to shorten the stroke, reducing the volume of air used in the air charge in the cycle. This will drop your fps back down depending on the teeth you grind off but retain the harder to pull spring so the drag after on the system brings the gears to a stop. Short stroke is generally the best way to deal with it and preserve all your other characteristics, you can keep using 11.1 to keep your trigger response and rate of fire without sacrificing your fps, or changing your fet, but requires a bit of technical knowhow on which teeth to remove and how many and from which side of the sector gear.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.