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Old December 21st, 2014, 23:41   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Somewhere in Ontario...
I'm currently running a somewhat modified Ukrainian load-out, will post some pics. It depends if you want "old" style (before the events of past November), or some of the more "modern" types (post winter 2013, which I am currently trying to make).

Old type is harder; mostly later soviet types of gear (TTsKO is mostly prevalent, but Flora also appears; Digi-Flora is close to non-existent, and is actually a current standard for the Russian Army).
Modern types consists mostly of western-style gear (as I have also donated to them), and is not too much of a hassle to re-create (we're talking about A LOT of multicam). If you need any pics, I'll gladly provide.

Last edited by GR; December 22nd, 2014 at 00:05.. Reason: spelling
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