here's a good one.
Reassembling my 5-7, I was trying to hold the recoil spring and ring back on the outer barrel while I put the o-ring stopper on (that prevents the recoil ring and spring from shooting off the end of the barrel, and out the front of the gun). My hand slipped, the o-ring slipped off and the spring shot the recoil ring off the outer barrel.
My work bench is in an unfinished basement. So I heard:
that stupid sound a coin makes when it's settling onto a face.
Quickly count pieces ... see that the recoil spring is there, the irreplaceable o-ring is there, the barrel is there, along with the hop up unit and barrel base. Nothing is broken...
recoil ring missing.
game the next day morning... current time.. 11pm.
initiate search.
2 hour search, can't find it.
searching on the furnace, on top of the ductwork where I thought I heard it go... on the I beam ledges. no dice.
Search frantically online for a replacement. WGC sells a plastic replacement... it's like 2 bucks... now I have to ship it... buy a shitload of other stuff to justify a 20$ shipping fee... fml.
went to bed closer to 2:30 am.
went to the field to drop off guns I finished teching for people, but discouraged and convinced the airsoft gods did not want me to play.
Went home, got on a chair with a flash light and looked on top of the ducting again. Still couldn't find it.
So reconstructing by sound... I had to come up with this narrative:
fucking spring shoots the ring off the end of the barrel at an upward angle.
The barrel assembly shooting the opposite way into the work bench as I held the spring in place but let go of the barrel, releasing the other half of the stored spring energy as I had pinched it too slow to stop it from shooting the ring off.
The ring bouncing in BETWEEN 2 runs of ducts in the ceiling, up back and forth onto the top of the ducts.
Hitting the I beam
rolling/bouncing to the other side of the beam.. this is now going downwards following a U in the duct runs.
bouncing as it rolls, off the far side of the U, up off the far side of the I beam, back on top of the duct on the other side of the beam now.
that stupid sound a coin makes when it's settling onto a face.
and that sound as it wobbles and settled on the face, on the duct, but under the I-beam.
The only way I found it was taking my camera and taking a shitload of photos with the flash, and even then I found it only because the paint had worn off one part and the bare metal was reflecting.
WGC order arrives friday the week after. lol. 60 bucks I ended up not having to spend. fml.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.