Depends which line. The CA B&T are (at least were at one time) very highly regarded as a skirmishing platform. The ones I've cracked open just all fit together so nicely you think "Yup, nice".
Even the old split-bodied ones (though now hilariously outdated) are pretty special. Not as pretty as the VFC/ Umarex ones to be sure, but a great, gameable frame to build in.
CA reportedly has had ups and downs over the last 5 years though, do try to find newer information. That may be partially heresy on the part of people buying CA Sportlines and expecting a Classic Army, but I'm not as hip to the jive as I used to be.
Naminator: Let's be very clear about the Cymas. You can expect parts to break. All of the internals are terrible. The diopter sights are a joke. To get the most life out of the gearbox shell, and the most effectiveness out of the motor, you probably don't want to put more than an m100 spring in it. The gears are adequate if they're shimmed properly, but they'll die eventually. The bodies are some lead-heavy alloy, and very brittle. It will probably crack or fracture if it get's dropped too much or too hard. If you get a collapsible stock, it will warp over time (though they actually fit together pretty well).
If you only do 'just enough' work to it, it'll be punch and pie, but don't go throwing bad money after good.
Last edited by Cliffradical; December 16th, 2014 at 16:14..