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Old December 16th, 2014, 15:40   #34
butthurt for not having a user title
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Winnipeg
Naminator: Anything called 'Sportline' is a money pit. The money saved when buying any brand's 'Sportline' models is wasted on the same gun later (and then some).
A Cyma is at least honest about what it is and where it fits in the dollars-to-doughnuts hierarchy, 'Sportline' models are where established brands go to cut corners (Exhibit A: they're bundling two slow-moving items together, likely at a loss, to try and flush their stock).
If I had to build a swordfish out of a Cyma, I would (it's been done), but when you're spending money on a front-end or rail kit of any kind, you're much better off spending that money (and time spent fitting/ modding) a better gun.

Try to match brand to brand as closely as possible to save yourself headaches solving fitment issues. The Cyma will require body work, and when you're spending 1/3-1/4 of the base gun's cost (excluding labour) on a new front end, while performing destructive body mods for fitment, how is that acceptable to your bottom-line?
It's like bolting a spoiler, spinner rims, and an $800 stereo to your second-hand Sunfire GT.

12car: 'Accuracy' is in the eye of the beholder. Seriously. There are too many variables to give you a non-bullshit answer. Whenever I hear someone say 'accurate' when referencing guns (airsoft or real-schmeel), my hackles raise.

"Is it good enough to play outdoor?"
Yes. It is at least as good as 8/10 other guns on the field +/- 10 feet, unless it has preexisting problems. You should probably clean the barrel.
"Will I hit anything with it?"
Unknown at this time.

Anecdotal evidence which applies to both of you:
I have a Cyma MP5. I did the right work to it (compression replacement), I didn't throw money at it I didn't need to (gears, motor, accessories), I take care of it and play well/ within the gun's own specific limitations, I love it, and it rules.
That being said, I'm still trying to hock it on a friend so I can go buy a CA B&T or a VFC, because those guns really are that much better where it matters to me.
My rule of thumb, through allllll of the tens of guns I've turned over, from top of the pile to bottom of the pit, is never to spend more than half of a gun's base cost on that same gun. With cheaper guns (my $220 Cyma SD6), that gives me about $100 to pay for my parts and my own labour. With a $500 gun that gives me $250, etc.
You don't need to dump $250 into a $500 gun, which leaves room for fancy shit. You could dump $250 into a $200 gun, but even though it is now nearly as expensive as the $500 gun you didn't buy, it will never be the $500 gun.

Good luck to you both.

Last edited by Cliffradical; December 16th, 2014 at 15:53..
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