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Old December 16th, 2014, 13:13   #31
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Location: Calgary
Resurrecting this thread a tiny bit. I too have been looking at MP5's. Ideally I want an MP5 with a swordfish kit on it. I would consider an A5 or something like the for the ability to add a flashlight fore grip to it. The SD5/6 are also a favorite but I know it is a PITA to install a swordfish on them.

I was considering the Cyma CM041B which has an RIS front end. Is that compatible with the swordfish kits I see floating around or should I be looking for a different model. Same place is also offering ICS MX5 Sportline MP5's in various flavours with a Dan Wesson 4" revolver for 290-340$. Not sure if I should look at the Cyma or the ICS models. Any advise is appreciated.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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