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Old December 8th, 2014, 11:28   #1
shinobii's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Mach1 Airsoft Arena needs your input.

We are at it again.
So, the new Mach1 Airsoft Arena seems to be kicking ass and taking names since it opened up. All possible by the insane support from our dedicated public. This is going to make the possibility of an East GTA field even better. But before we dive in to that insane project, we're going to perfect the current field. We are likely going to add two more kill houses and multi-level play within the main floor area. That is of course in addition to our huge upper level mezzanine. Keep in mind with the addition of these extra structures, long range cross fire will be somewhat reduced, but the tactical strategy of the field will increase drastically. You will have many more corners and angles to negotiate. But before we put screws to wood, we want to hear your thoughts. What will make the field better? What will make you drive through blizzards and torrential down pour to come to our Arena?
Don't tell us to make it bigger. We'll save that for the next location.
One more major announcement coming soon.
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Store Hours of Operation:
Tue-Wed: 11:00am-5:00pm
Thurs: 11:00am-8:00pm
Fri: 11:00am-5:00pm
Sat: 10:00-5:00pm

Retail Store Address: 237 Toryork Drive, Toronto Ontario.
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