Originally Posted by siggypoo
Hey, reviewing addons, components, retailers, and everything can help us. Don't limit yourself to BB throwers.
We've got a number of misc gear and accessory reviews coming out soon, but hopefully they won't bore you guys. We probably won't be doing too many gun reviews at the moment with it being winter and all but it should pick up next year, we've definitely got some interesting things in the works.
Originally Posted by Tim Foolery
I do see what you're saying. I just think watching someone actually use [Whatever item] is invaluable. I'm probably wrong and a video review is not always better. I just find you get something more out of a good video.
I also prefer a book on tape to reading, though. 
We've actually discussed the idea of doing video reviews briefly in the past and its definitely something we're considering once we've determined an effective format/template to work with.
But as we're just starting out and still have things to sort out and improve, using YouTube/videos as a medium for our reviews might not be the best idea at the moment, as the time investment needed to record, post process, and upload videos is quite considerable. What we could do is create a brief overview video that covers the basics, or demonstrates the function of something to supplement our write ups (let us know if you're interested in that), but a written review would still be the primary medium, as it allows us to efficiently and effectively cover and express our thoughts and experience with all aspects of whatever we're reviewing. That being said, we're still working things out and experimenting with various ideas so almost anything is possible.