The other laser threads exist because everyone keeps trying to take short cuts as it relates to lasers... Which no one cares if you can get a Class 1 laser for 50 dollars or 2500 dollars, as long as it comes from a source that you can say "Hey look, this laser is a brand name real steel product"
People keep trying to show up with things made from a sweat shop factory in Nowhereville, China... and half the time those things are literally counterfeits, even if they come from a respected company like G&P.
I have no problem with people using a scientific method to figure out if a laser is verifiably class 1. I've done it myself. I have a selection of lasers I know the outputs of, and it's easy if a laser matches either .1mw, .7mw, or 5mw output, or falls somewhere in between. That is great, but it falls apart if the wavelength of the laser is different than what you are comparing it to. A 850nm laser would look different than a 720nm laser - but China may still sell them both as "IR", and the NVG's respond to those wavelegnths differently.
The G&P DBAL on "low power" is not really lowering it's output, it is just strobing really fast. It's the same beam output just a strobe. When you flip it to high power, it is no longer strobing. The power output doesn't change.
I'm more tolerant than most hosts when it comes to what lasers I'll allow on the field. To this day I'm still the only host who allows red lasers to be used that I know of (and with zero complaints to that end so far), but I also demand that the lasers be real steel as well. Red or IR, doesn't matter. Real steel. There are very limited exceptions that come under a lot of scrutiny and it usually requires me to fiddle with it myself before I give the all clear.
The sorts of lasers you can buy from people on eBay with usernames like TOTALSUPPLYSTOREHK or MagicTrustShop I don't believe belong on the field. When you click on HAWKS Amazon store you see this:
I just do not need that sort of stuff in my life, especially a laser that will used on everyone else
except the person who bought it.