Thread: M4/M16 Thread
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Old November 28th, 2014, 13:55   #1221
ShadowTwoSix's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Langley, British Columbia
Pretty much all that's left to complete the gun for a spot on look ( currently Magpul lower / MUR upper"

Thanks for the compliments, definitley makes the build worth while when others can spot the basis of the build!
Now you're talking! I've been trying to brainstorm ideas for how to come close the the real receiver which is very unique. Funny thought that the Magpul/Vltor receiver set was my first thought too!

Other possibilties are these:

This is similar to your Magpul/Vltor body but has a dedicated ambi mag release built right in. Not exactly like the Compressor but definitely in the same spirit!

Then I saw these. The body has a more traditional ambi mag release but it also has an ambi bolt release just like the ST and its forward assist housing is very angular like the ST. Probably the closest AEG upper I've found!

Then I came across this! GAME CHANGER! (that is if you're into PTWs)

Alas, it will be a ways off before I can pursue the Compressor build! Money &Time.
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Last edited by ShadowTwoSix; November 28th, 2014 at 13:59..
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