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Old November 24th, 2014, 20:42   #172
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
There are a number of ways to get yourself in trouble with an airsoft gun, not all of them criminal, and not all criminal actions will result in a firearms related charge. You'd pretty much have to use your airsoft gun as a firearm or in a way people would believe it to be a firearm, for a firearm related charge to be used. For instance, hitting someone over the head with an airsoft gun isn't the same as hitting someone over the head with a firearm, unless you threatened them at gunpoint first. Assault, assault with a weapon, whatever, but carrying an airsoft gun into public transit, assuming it's within a bag or something, isn't illegal, albeit kind of stupid. Stealing an airsoft gun isn't stealing a firearm, yet it's a criminal charge. It is up to the court to decide the crime, the intent and the guilt of each individual and their actions. Robbing a store with an airsoft gun can instill the same amount of fear and have the same effect as using a real firearm, hence why airsoft guns are considered firearms for some purposes of the criminal code. You have to remember that real firearms aren't necessarily illegal in public unless concealed. City bylaws and negligent behaviour aside, buying a firearm or having it repaired, then carrying it 'appropriately' to your truck to transport it home is not an offense. Taking it to dinner with you may get you a psych exam, among other possible charges, and walking home the long way from hunting and you may get a talking to.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; November 24th, 2014 at 20:45..
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