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Old November 24th, 2014, 09:44   #4
formerly steyr
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
VFC is the best AEG brand by far. Their internals are very solid and factory shimming isn't terrible. The externals are fantastic quality and hold up to quite the beating. Their trademarks are nice as well. VFC magazine wells accept most brands of magazines too.

KWA is a good brand, but is more picky with magazine compatibility, external quality isn't quite as high, internals are meh, and it's front wired.

VFC master race.
Actually, the externals on the PTS RM4 are actually nicer than VFC. Much thicker and heavier receiver. This is coming from a VFC owner.

You really won't be disappointed with either gun. The RM4 has some proprietary parts, but they're good proprietary parts, so it's not much of an issue. The limitation with the RM4 is that you're limited with your rate of fire, if that matters to you. Over 25 rps and sometimes less, the buffer won't return all the way before the next cycle starts.

You can actually fit a much bigger battery in the front of an RM4 than the back of a 416, but front wiring can be a pain to take apart if you aren't careful. The bolt stop feature is really cool too.

Other than that, they have very similar range, accuracy, FPS and reliability potential. You should be happy with either.
Admin - Winnipeg Airsoft
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