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Old November 21st, 2014, 12:41   #152
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
No assumption, but as an age verified member you have access to all forums and information on ASC, minus administrative. What you will see and read can open your eyes to a fat history of airsoft within Canada, not to mention some very interesting goings on, access to the classifieds, etc. It may not convince someone like yourself that this sport and all its parts are legitimate in the eyes of the law, but you'll definately see that no one in the know is concerned. We have more stupid shit to argue about...

I will say this. Many years ago I wanted clarification on exactly how airsoft was deemed legal in Canada, after all the crud happened, because I'm a law abiding citizen. Also we were looking for a way to import PTWs without hassle, and were trying to find a legal avenue. I contacted the RCMP because they preside over firearms within Canada, and in turn they put me in touch with the Canadian Firearms Program. The gentleman I spoke with was in fact one of the people who worked on airsoft classification for legal ownership and use in Canada; I wish I could remember his name. Anyways, he explained things to me much as they have been explained to you on here.

Here's how you should see this all. Airsoft becomes popular and starts to show up in Canada, but after some concern a bunch of retailers get busted and the clamp comes down. After years of fighting, including by some members of ASC, things are passed in order to legalize airsoft for personal use. Within the current legislation airsoft is basically exempted if they can cause bodily harm, effectively not making them a replica, and that they don't exceed 500 FPS and 5.7 joules, effectively making them a firearm. It did state that air guns, airsoft guns, paintball, etc, that fit between these two boundaries would be exempt for being classified as firearms for the purposes of the firearms act and parts of the criminal code. So, in order for you to technically have a magazine restriction, your gun would need to shoot over 740-ish feet per second with a 0.20g round, which is stupid as it still uses the same rounds and magazines that any other airsoft guns would likely use. So what's the big difference other than legal classification? Well for starters, no one, including our government, gives a shit as to how many 6mm styrene BBs you can put inside of your toy magazines. The bottom line here is, if you commit a criminal offense, it doesn't really matter what your gun shoots, you will get charged as if the gun is a firearm period, and that has never changed. So this Supreme Court ruling doesn't change anything for us, why? Because not only were we already in the same boat already, but the whole court case was for the intent of the criminal code, period. It may have been poorly or open endedly worded, but they aren't after us, they are after criminals commiting crime. So they conducted a test, that they have conducted before, pre FPS rules were 407 then 366, and found serious bodily harm, with the device in question could occur at 214 FPS. Which makes that device a firearm for that purpose of the criminal code. But forget all that, if you don't believe me, wait until the dust settles and then go down to Canadian Tire and buy a pellet gun shooting 490 FPS without a PAL and see what happens. I'll bet nothing.
You will definately be able to find wording and interpretation that can lend voice to your argument, as the Canadian firearms legislation is a mess, and continues to receive band aids instead of clarification and modernization. The truth is, because of the way the government has very clearly interpreted it and amended things in our favor on purpose, this WILL be our legal shield, as it was designed to be. The only ones that cannot use it, criminals.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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