The Supreme Court of Canada isn't going to war against every law abiding airsofter because some dude doing something stupid, that did not include the use of airsoft guns. How this may affect you? If you take an airsoft gun, pellet gun, BB gun, paintball gun, etc, and threaten someone with it, they'll likely lean in the same direction. This was a court case, nothing more, and in court cases they need to decide on clarification or else their case gets thrown out on a technicality. Any airsoft gun, or related device, used in a crime is treated as a firearm. That isn't a new sentiment. Also other branches such as the RCMP and CBSA have recognized the legitimacy, legal status and purpose or use of airsoft guns in Canada.
But I digress. Let's say the sky is falling, what do you expect to happen? How about a simultaneous arrest and execution of every known Okay, then we'd see a legal change or shut down in all retailers, and then they'd ask all airsofter's to turn in their guns for destruction, may even award is a grace period of one year, etc. Or, the alternative is, that airsoft has been made more legal and more available due to its positive spread internationaly, and within Canada, and the government, including all concerned branches have become relaxed and lenient for a sensical coexistence. No, better to assume that one court ruling undoes all of the progress made on a whim, and because some guy is a jackass. Not only is nothing likely to change in a negative way because of this, this won't be the last court case of its kind or similar. I don't think the sky will fall then either.
But just incase, you better give me your guns before the RCMP get you, and go get a helmet and umbrella to block the sky from killing you. You could get a sticker for the side of your helmet that says "I need this".
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...