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Old November 14th, 2014, 14:19   #20
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Originally Posted by Chillyrabbit View Post
air guns have real uses too besides airsoft, people compete with air rifles already. So an outright ban on a legitimate sport that uses firearms seems unlikely and from reading it it may even legalize airsoft that can shoot above 214 fps. But the CBSA can still play by its own rules.
Dude no. .177 cal pellets are way heavier than 6mm BB's, the standard measurement is .20's and not .12's or .25's or .28's. You can do the math, it's Joules (speed and a mass) that matter not FPS (speed independent of mass).

Otherwise if you get hyper velocity .177 pellets your air rifle just became illegal or if you use heavy ass pellets to get an air rifle that shoots say 550 FPS down to the 495 limit. Same with using .12's to get velocity to 366 and then being good to go.
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