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Old November 11th, 2014, 22:53   #23
Ozone06's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Mississauga
Originally Posted by talon View Post
Realistically, it's about simply not quitting.

I can almost guarantee that I'm the fattest person that you'll see on the field.

I have two blown discs in my back, I played all of NF2 with a 6mm kidney stone aching the whole time. I cut the tip of my thumb off the day before Rhino 1, I got it wrapped up put on my mechanix and played the whole game cursing everytime pressure was applied to it. I've played skrim games with a pulled groin.

Quitting is a choice.

Getting all dizzy and blurred vision, that's a not knowing your limits and going too fast for too long.

Being part of the command structure for both NF2 and NF3 I can you tell that if everyone that's sat in the spawn area "resting" eating chow sleeping etc., just sat at the mortar pit or somewhere on the field they are 5000% more useful then some chair-softer not knowing what their limits are and going to bed. Hell go to bed on the field. Some one can kick you if the bad-guys show up and you can pull a trigger and be useful.

Having people stationary watching arcs and holding ground is HUGELY important. Too many airsofters want to be leet COD operator and push push push when pushing a shift key is a little easier than sprinting from spawn to the kitchen at PRZ for 18 hours.

It's a marathon not a sprint. Sit down someone has to be a guard at the end of the game when you can actually make a difference and not sitting in your car.

To answer your question.
Slow the fuck down.
Slow is smooth.
Smooth is fast.

Eat and drink when you can.
Make sure there's protein. Jerky is awesome.
Get some MRE/IMP'S -=and=- heater bags, warm food is so much better than cold food.
Gatorade is your best friend.
Make sure you get 8.5 hrs of sleep a night every night for a month before the game.

and finally
“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
George Orwell
To those Rough men... Thank You.

Last edited by Ozone06; November 11th, 2014 at 22:58..
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