Eighteen or less hours of play, line up your sleep schedule so you don't need sleep. Usually a one to two hour nap will rejuvenate you to continue. As it is outside of your norm, you will get tired, you will get hungry, you will get dehydrated. Start off by managing your levels of health. Always carry around and drink a lot of water, with electrolyte breaks now and again. Good food with carbs, protein and calories so your body has fuel are also important. Make sure food is easy to carry and easy to eat, trail mix/beef jerky works in a pinch, but it isn't easy to chow down on it when you get hungry. Snacking along the way can help avoid hunger as well, and if you enjoy what you are eating, your moral will stay up. Comfortable and lightweight footwear, with extra dry socks and boots are a must. Keeping your feet happy means keeping your everything happy. Have appropriate dry wicking and warm, or cooling layers to keep you healthy. Go through your gear, ensure you have everything you need, but take time to get lightweight abd ergonomic stuff to use. If you sleep in the field have a layer to bring up your temperature a little, as well as ranger blanket or survival layer. Sleeping on ground is likely to be uncomfortable, so try and find a spot that you can sleep slightly reclined. Start with everything health-wise and then nap from there.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...