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Old October 24th, 2014, 15:45   #41
DrunkenTeddy's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Langley, BC
Originally Posted by GodsLt View Post
I know, buying a used gun can be hit and miss...I figured I could scout my options, so we agreed on meeting up so I can see it, feel it, etc. any tests that are imperative that I should perform? Any thing I have to look out for?

On the topic of batteries, I chose the global warehouse with a combined cost of 30$ for a battery, charger, and 4000 0.25 bb's via fedex. Is this a reasonable price? Or would it be cheaper on the western warehouse?
For used guns, like I mentioned before there is no way to spot test most of the problems guns will have. You'd have to take the gun completely apart to notice some issues like partially stripped pistons, bad shim jobs, and a multitude of other issues. Ideally you test the gun at a place where it can be fired a reasonable distance, load it with BBs and a battery, test the FPS, adjust the hop up and down and make sure it changes the BB flight path, make sure all 3 selector modes work (SAFE/SEMI/FULL), and look for any damage to the body. Even after doing all that, which in most cases isn't possible, you still risk getting a lemon. I am extremely careful when I buy used, I fully know what warning signs to look for and I have still bought faulty guns. For your first gun, just don't take that risk.

That is a great price for battery charger and bbs. But you should be buying 2 batteries, and I would bet money that the charger you're buying doesn't balance charge (even if it says it does), so your batteries won't last as long on a cheap charger like that. Also make sure you are buying Bio BBs, all the local fields require Bio only.
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