No legit seller in the USA will ship ITAR restricted parts outside of the USA.
Drive down and sneak them out or get you buddy to mail them and prepare for misery when the group gets caught. The USA is very particular about the advantage the new NVGs gives them and they don't play games with anyone who tries an end run at the export rules.
Just buy inside Canada.
Be aware they're a bit useless except for the very narrow once or twice a year night game. Be aware when you've got 3K of relatively delicate hardware that you paid for hanging out in the wind waiting for someone on the other team to hose it down. Be aware that you need the proper mount and helmet hardware so you aren't trusting your 3K tube to a ebay banned J-arm.
Buy on here form another player who's been down the path already and has priorities that have changed.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.