Originally Posted by L473ncy
I'm not in Vancouver right now actually (I'm in Cowtown). Ricochet probably can answer all the questions you have he's actually really knowledgeable. However when I was there I played at NSPB once (the one as you cross the lions gate it's kind of tucked in near the train tracks), panther was good when I was there and Tsawwassen as well but AFAIK that place has since folded.
I went to RIP once and it was OK, a bit tight and there's a lot of paintball goo everywhere but it's a decent facility for being easily accessible by transit and relatively close by. I think from UBC take the bus that goes to Marine Drive sky train or 99 to City Hall then get off at like Lansdowne or Brighouse and walk down towards the Olympic oval. There might be a community bus that goes by there as well.
Oh, I've been to RIP myself. In fact, RIP is the most accessible field for me! The outdoor fields are the ones that are too far unless I hitch a ride! I'm willing to travel though! Back home we had nothing of the sort. I never got a chance to enjoy my "hobbies", and now I finally have the chance. I appreciate all of you guys' input. I value it greatly. I dipped my toe in the ocean, and I like what I felt!
Now, I still have some questions on this thread unanswered (actual Vancouver players car-pooling, UBC students that play or UBC alumni that play). Should I ask for gun advice on this same thread, or just start a new one?
I know I have to get AV for you guys to link websites and all, so I'll just ask for specific gun advice.