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Old October 18th, 2014, 16:07   #4
Red Dot
Google level: BOSS
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Stouffville, Ontario
I've found most people on this forum are pretty awesome at helping new folks get into the hobby. One fellow member let me borrow his backup AEG for a game at the local indoor field. I've carpooled with a few guys to some games, honestly a great experience.

I'm on my phone so I can't see but get age verified so you can see the games section of the forum and post when and where you'd like to go.

Also in terms of getting into the hobby you have some pretty solid choices without blowing a lot money in the process. I would recommend looking at ARES, they have a new line of guns that pack some nifty features to the tune of $200 bucks. Easily better than the ones you'll pick up at Wal-Mart or Canadian Tire. I'm planning on getting one for my fiancé to play with.

Main things you need is very good eye protection (recommend Revisions, some coupons are floating around for them apparently), mesh lower mask and the gun, magazine and battery. Pack of BBs and viola, you're good for most skirmish games. From there the skies the limit.
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