tsc bolt carrier
I just got a tsc bolt carrier yesterday for my we scar. It wss half the price of ra-tech super bolt for my we scar. When i pulled it out of the package i was annoyed. There was huge machine marks all around where the gas nozzle goes and gross amount of brown goop which i hope had something to do with the machining process inside. After spending a lot of time cleaning all that crap out, i went to put the thing together. The stock pin for the return spring went in fine by itself but when i tried to put the nozzle in the pin goes half way and jams on the spring. The best i can tell is the pin hole is out just a hair and keeps jamming on the spring loop (which is deformed after the first try). Never had this before with my stock bolt. Now i tried sending an email to tsc to see about getting this problem fixed but the website they provide is non existent. Before i buy anything i usually try to review as much as i can but there is little information on tsc... any help or ideas would be great. As it stands i don't think I'll ever buy tsc again. Atleast with ra-tech you can get a hold of them.