I know a few happy owners of Celcius who've had good luck with one aspect or another with them. It seems that they have had their guns in getting warrenty work as much as they've been on the field. Their last Gen gun was their worst one since their first Gen gun. The point of FCC was to attempt to improve upon what Systema had done and focus on custom parts. At least that was before they tried to make entire, overpriced guns that didn't deliver. It all comes down to overall performance, quality, and reliability. Systema has one draw back, and that's the armature inside of their motor being wound too tight from factory, but we have a fix for this; we just rewind it. After that, it's a bulletproof work horse. Other than that Systema's overall build is why it kicks ass. How they make it, what they make it out of, and how it's all put together is why the Systems has been successful. Small areas of improvement could be made, like a CNC receiver, but that would push up the already high price, and good ones are already available aftermarket. The other is the hop-up. Systema has a damn good hop-up system, and the mod pushes it even further, and the newer hop-up styles are great out of the box. The electronics have always been good and can take a beating, their gear box and overall tolerance is second to none, and I won't even get into range and accuracy versus ALL other gun types out there. The overall package coupled with performance is what you're after. So barring an eventual motor rewind, you need to improve on the whole thing, not cheapen it.
I really hope Celcius comes out with something worth while, because they have yet to do that. I'm not saying they haven't made anything that works, but nothing that matches or improves on what already exists. So far it's clone after clone after clone after letdown. It was designed to be a cheap Systema, but what purpose does that serve? We already have high performing AEGs and GBBRs, why make or but a crappier version of something? You know what I see out there? People but the clones, and then end up upgrading them with Systema parts to keep them running, and yet still don't get the same performance out of them. So no, Celcius has an impossible way to go before it could lead the way in the training weapon design. Until then, wait for their next product to come out, wait for it to explode in people's faces, and then do a review on it. I recommend to everyone not to jump on a hype wagon from a company with a consistant record of mediocrity, at their best. If you are dead set on the TW internal design, grab an A&K and slowly upgrade it, or save for a Systema, it's worth it.
When Celsius guns do run, they shoot straight. That I will say. If it was a choice between that and a run of the mill AEG however, I'd take the AEG. Just my opinion. I would love for a company to step up and improve on the TW design without making it cost $4,000. I'll give everyone a hint though, it won't come in a cheap knockoff, and it won't have a gas line.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...