Province: Ontario
City/Town: Toronto (Junction Area – TTC Lansdowne Subway)
ASC Name: -Shade
Real Name: Michael
Services Offered:
Gearbox work/repair: Marui Ver.2/3/6/7, G&G Ver.6 (F2000), G&G Ver.7, shimming, greasing, radius-ing, AOE correction, sorbo pad install, short stroking, better air sealing.
Electrical work: MOSFET installs, re-wiring, soldering, etc
Lots of experience with custom work on a few specific guns too. Fully upgrading and improving the G&G F2000 (trigger improvements, cut-off lever fix, wiring, padding the shell to quiet it, etc), Marui/CYMA M14 EBR, and CYMA MP5SD6 (getting your Lonex gearbox to fit).
Method of Contact: PM me!