How do we keep getting posts like this? Like someone comes on here looking to buy an airsoft gun, with the intention of playing and has ever said "I don't care about range or accuracy". Range and accuracy is the end goal of every single player around the world. Like some way, some how you'll build a gun that'll outshoot all of the others you run into. You want a gun that shoots straight and shoots reliably, simple as that. If you want ultimate range and accuracy, get ready to open up your wallet, big time. Sniper rifles, DMRs, etc, do not by their very nature in airsoft shoot further and with smaller groupings than other guns. And although slightly increased FPS may allow you to run a heavier round, it can just as easily provide zero advantage at all.
You want a reliable M14 to build upon, yes? Start there. What's your budget? Gas or electric? How much do you know about internals and maintenance? The most realistic and best performing airsoft M14 is arguably the M14 EBR Level III with NPAS by RA-Tech. Already fully customized and upgraded with a flow control valve. Magazines are near $70 a piece and the to get the gun into your hands will cost you between $1,500 and $2,000 by itself. You have learn inside and out to keep it performing or you may run into issues in hot or cold temperatures. At its peak though, it'll decimate any other M14 out there. I think it's near seventeen or nineteen pounds though. But at least you can dial your FPS using the valve to suit your playing environment. Most indoor fields are 300 - 350 FPS or so, and outdoor 380 - 450 or so. An electric guns spring cannot be changed out quickly, so you'll have to completely split open your gun and mechbox each time you go from indoor play to outdoor play. Mind you a long gun like an M14 indoors will put you at a disadvantage due to it's maneuverability limitations. So I'd say buck up and buy the gas one, or get the an AEG like the Tokyo Marui or G&G and and also buy an indoor gun for yourself.
But no matter which one you get and/or how you upgrade it, some dude with a Systema TW5 (sub-machine gun) will out range you 50 - 100 feet, and have better groupings all the way. I have seen fully upgraded, properly tuned, and silent sniper rifles get outshot by a M4, and well tuned AEGs get outshot by a Tokyo Marui MK23 (pistol).
Food for thought.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...