Originally Posted by TechnoLlama
I've reviewed the importation laws and it should get through fine apart from having to pay a substantial amount in duties (not sure what the correct terminology for that fee is).
I think you need to review harder: that gun will not pass customs.
I was just reading that the stock outer barrel on the M226 is plastic, though, so I think I would replace that anyway. All I'm wondering now is whether anyone recognizes that seller and knows if they are shipping from within the country.
If you bother looking at the seller's info you'll see they're in California. Ergo, to address your original question, yes the gun would absolutely have an orange tip.
Advice, as already stated: 1) get AV'd, 2) buy from a reputable Canadian source. (and keep in mind that those may have an orange tip as well since some Canadian retailers deal with American wholesalers)