Originally Posted by Hughes
I'm not going to bug him until I have the funds and a donor ready to go. Definitely a winter project on the way.
@Bio was your ex dg m4 a woc challenge kit?
Update on my work! I found some time today to sit down to strip my fal, clean, and grease it again before any shooting. It went from needing 120+psi down to ~90psi I'm having a hard time discerning the segments on my redline gauge so don't quote me exactly. Everything went well until my tank went too low and my reg pressure dropped below 80psi. I may not even need to cut coils at this rate. Very excited by these reults
Good idea until you have the funds. My DG was a G&P WOC, got off classifieds for a decent deal. Someone sold one for $200 shipped few months back.
Nice, that's a big PSO drop. I'd leave it at 90 PSI or so.
+gun body
+air rig
+HPA tanks
+AEG mags
Done! (Specific bodies though unfortunately.)