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Old August 22nd, 2014, 16:18   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007

The top end gen1 has good resolution, and incredible clarity (it has NO NOISE). Major downsides being the low amplification, halo and fisheye.

Well bottom end gen2 at ~$1200 is low res, very noisy. To the point where the greater amplification doesn't matter since you can't identify targets under the same lighting conditions as gen1. Less halo, but highly unlikely anything below mid grade gen2 will have autogating.

So effectively there's a huge price gap between top end gen1 (which is the lowest quality you should even look at) at $500-$700, and mid to high grade gen2 at $1500-$2200

That being said, the same is true for gen2 and gen3. The top end gen2 tubes are often times very comparable if not better than the lowest end gen3 tubes.

My D300HP gets noisier as it gets darker, but it needs to get pretty damn dark before I actually need to start using illumination.
At risky sun, the building at the first blacksite had a string of 4 pitch black rooms at one side. two rooms had outside doors. Near full moon conditions, but this was on the dark side of the building so the rooms were pretty much pitch black. Even then, I could still get around with my gen2 without having to use illumination, but I did need IR light just to spot obstacles.
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