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Old August 22nd, 2014, 11:15   #55
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Originally Posted by Hughes View Post
Any updates on the storefront that carries DG parts and kits? I'm looking for some parts support on our side of the border and with Keith taking a leave of absence I'm kind of SOL.
I bought his old OSW and have been using it heavily over the last few weeks to replace my polarstar, and can say without a doubt it is the best airsoft investment I have ever made. Mags were a bit of a hassle, but I ordered some in from overseas.

I was worried about my air consumption, she only likes running at 120+psi or else it won't cycle the bolt far enough to load a bb.
So I removed the paint in the upper, polished the surface/rails, polished the bolt and just about everything inside and have had some better results. I've been too busy to fill my tanks and test much so this weekend will let me know if my work paid off
Future plans:
Cutting coils on the spring to run at a lower psi/fps for winter
Get a bigger bore gripline, if anyone has an experience with this would be great to hear
Convert my Redline reg to a single QD for better efficiency
Get a more ergonomic grip if I can ever get one to fit

120PSI+ seems quite high, my EX DG M4 was running at 80, granted recoil wasn't as strong as 120PSI though.

We originally cut the coil, coils were a bit of a pain to cut, but lowered the psi quite a bit. You polishing them should make it move better, good idea, let us know how that goes for you.

You could try Amped's grip line, had it on my P*, not sure if it'll really do much though.
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