I hit mine with a tightbore, helical hi-torque gears, flathop and a lonex gearbox/bore-up kit. Yes, I loaded an M140 into it and the thing was firing 525fps (+/-1).
Bear in mind, I built this stupid thing as a demonstration of how broken the fps rules in my club were (they've since been adjusted down) but I lost sight of the BB (.30g) before it started dropping. I readjusted it to 412fps and it performs just as well.
All in all, it was an EXPENSIVE build (parts worth more than the gun). If you're going for higher velocity, you're paying out the ass to stabilize that projectile.
Age Verifier - Lower Vancouver Island
Brotherhood of Nod - Nod Prime || Vancouver Island Airsoft League - President
Unavailable for AV until April 2020.