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Old August 17th, 2014, 00:25   #9
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
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Location: North York - Toronto
Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
Only reason I know about the SHS batch was because I sorted through about a hundred of them prior to installations, and realised some of them had larger bores. Unfortunately the ones with larger bores sometimes have an O ring so it is harder to install a sorbo pad, and they are all off spec in that the side holes must be enlarged or they do not fit into mechboxes.

You're using a PDI W-Hold, you're already losing 30 FPS from it. I've never had FPS loss from tapered nozzles. SHS, Lonex, Modify and G&P and Retro Arms nozzles are all tapered, I've managed to get them to seal well, although some of those nozzles are a pain in the ass to seal to cylinder heads.
Out of curiosity, what fps variance would you consider acceptable? Say I have a gun with +/- 2 fps variance from the average. Would you consider that to be a fairly consistent set up?
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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