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Old August 8th, 2014, 02:32   #23
Join Date: Nov 2010
Originally Posted by camerashot View Post
I have a version two UAR, its was quite finicky with the mags i had, but there is a mod for the gun that allow it to take any mag.
Took ten seconds and it takes all brands of mags now.
The neat thing about the uar is there is a spring right above the mag port, so when you hit the eject button, the mags op out super nice
I contacted Toronto Airsoft, and the version they have up on the website is the older model, not the version two (which is the one I'd go for). I know of the mod, where you take a dremel and dremel down the inner part of the mag port. Shouldnt be too hard. It's my understanding that it takes M4 mags out of the box, though, which is great.

Any suggestions on proper optics and one-point sling mounts to go with this bad boy? Since there are no built-in optics I'd like to get something, same with a sling, though that's not completely necessary until I get myself a pistol.

Also, battery and charger suggestions? This gun only takes stick-type batts. It apparently doesn't fit a Tenergy 11.4V, which I've heard is a go-to battery.
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