Originally Posted by Cs
Please do not go out in the bush during hunting season without wearing blaze orange on your chest\back and head. If you don't you are asking to get shot. There is a reason why the guy doing the dogging actually barks like a dog or talks really loud to himself so he doesn't get shot by the guys he hunts with. Also do not wear anything white or tan.
Remember there will be people out there that will be hung over from the night before or even still drinking/ drunk.
And trigger happy CO's who have quotas to make...
also least in Ontario even making animal calls can be considered hunting with out a license. They could accuse you of Harassing game which is illegal with out a hunting license by claiming you we're engaging in some form of Non Lethal hunting game.
It's like being a ref or game moderator in airsoft or paint ball... You wanna make sure every one in the woods knows your not fair game.
and every one knows how oftin the ref accidentally gets shot why would you dare risk getting mistaken for a deer when it's at minimum a 145 grain chunk of lead at 2100 FPS and that's the guy with the Cheap SKS...? Not worth getting shot in my mind to run around in the woods during hunting season with a toy gun.
Heck i am Looking at a hunter orange LVLIII plate carrier just for deer season...