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Old July 27th, 2014, 23:24   #21
Kos-Mos's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Lévis (QC)
Exactly that.

And also, I have a "high power" nozzle I modifed from a factory one. "low" FPS is 505 ±5fps. "High" (with NPAS all the way open) is 700-ish.

All I did was shave the two "arms" of the rear nozzle section until the rear of the valve was just flush with the rear of the nozzle opening.

Aluminum/steel parts in a GBBR will REDUCE your FPS. You get INCREASED blowback/recoil when it works, but everything around gets damaged.

I have seen smashed hop-up chambers and even an exploded upper receiver (the steel bolt was ramming the hop-up chamber, which in turn rammed the barrel group, which broke off the threads on the receiver).

Best option: REMOVE the aluminum nozzle. Run stock nozzle and as many stock parts as possible.

Keep in mind that for the price of the aluminum nozzle, you can buy an "open bolt conversion kit", which includes a complete bolt carrier group, complete trigger group and complete hop-up/barrel group.

You will have to buy the later anyways within a year because your aluminum nozzle will have destroyed your hop-up chamber, and other than the steel "upgrade" (that will smash the upper receiver and bolt carrier by the way), the "open bolt kit" is the only way to get a replacement!

Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
Ok maybe its time for me to chime in. First off, your FPS for your plastic nozzle has too much variance, your shot to shot FPS should not deviate that much. The FPS should gradually go down, but for yours, it seems like its everywhere.

In terms of the aluminum nozzles, I have had nothing but issues. First off, the FPS deviates a lot with the built-in NPAS, and the valve spring is supposed to rectify this issue by streamlining the FPS, but imo, its still not as good as the stock plastic nozzle. Second, the blowback is weaker with the aluminum nozzle probably because the nozzle window doesn't mate well with the gas route (Ive narrowed it down to this since Ive replaced the oring at the rear of the nozzle to ensure that it has good air seal with the bolt). The third drawback relates to what you have discussed regarding the nozzle sticking into the hop up chamber. IMO, you want a nozzle that slightly sticks into the chamber as opposed to one that immediately displaces when the bolt travels backwards. The reason is this: if the nozzle moves backward as soon as the bolt cycles, the nozzle window immediately misaligns with the gas route of the magazine causing gas to be wasted. You want a nozzle that can stick intermittently to the hop up chamber so that the nozzle window remains aligned with the gas route until the fire pin is allowed to pull back.

Your issue in turns of bb's dropping out could be a result of the loading arm on the nozzle being a tad longer than the stock, and as such, pushes the bb out of the chamber. In general, I do not advise using the aluminum nozzle as it is a waste of money.

Stick with the stock nozzle.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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