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Old July 27th, 2014, 12:25   #10
Join Date: Jun 2014
Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
His problem (video guy) might not be that different than yours if it's about consistency (I didn't watch it):

I am guessing you have an npas in that nozzle. Do you have a Chrono? If you do, check your fps. There's chances that the npas is set pretty low and when shooting it changes its adjustment and output gets so low that it will just do what yours is doing

Might be a long shot but it's worth looking at

Also, try and make an effort to use the period, coma and enter a bit more. I couldn't read your whole post without loosing my head

Good luck
Im very sorry if I caused you headache reading I will adjust the original thread so its easier to read, sorry again

the NPAS is adjusted so that its on the higher fps , in another word its tighten all the way clockwise so that the gas path is fully open .

Originally Posted by Aper View Post
The guns shoots out of the box around 400-ish FPS; why do you need more anyways ? More FPS =/= Further travelling of BB's.

Durability ? Maybe, but it'll destroy everything around it before breaking. You can't find a new nozzle chamber that easily if your's breaks in the process.

I've been running my WE's with plastic nozzles forever. They don't break that easily if you do your basic maintenance and don't handle the gun like if it was RS.

You can buy a couple of plastic nozzles for the price of 1 aluminum one.
the thing is I spent the money on it, so I would love it to work and the other thing is we play here in open field and long ranges so most of us require longer travelling BBs

im really appreciating your help guys if you have any idea that you thing might help please share it , right now Im taking off the plastic nozzle and I will try install the aluminum nozzle with a new seal and see whats the out come
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